Monday, June 23, 2008

Okay, okay. I'm here. Now what?

Well it's official. 543 people have encouraged me to start a blog. And so, under THAT immense amount of pressure, what's a gal to do?

So I'm here.

Where are those 543 people anyways? They should be here, telling me what to do.

Like... uhmm... just exactly what will a blog about the 'Hammsters' be about? It's not like we live this exciting life, jet setting around the world, or winning awards for our humanitarian acts... we're boring. I guess you poor poor suckers who have found your way to my blog either by accident (maybe your child tricked you into buying a hamster and you want to know more about them and their life. Only you're a bad speller, and you have two m's in hamster. And now I've offended my only audience by judging their poor spelling abilities), or you're one of the aforementioned 543 people and I WILL be making you read my blog. And repeatedly tell me how witty and pretty I am.

But, nevertheless, here I am. My husband, Mike, and adorable son, Nate will be making appearances in this blog too. Even if they don't know it yet.

You might ask why "Hammster Life"? It's sort of a play our name mixed with me putting our lives out there for anyone to see, like we're hamsters in a cage. And I've decided to not post out real last name so one day when Nate's grown up and his friends Google him they won't pull up 2 billion pictures of him

as a baby wearing embarassing costumes,

or with ravioli all over his face,

or cute tub pictures.

I also have visions in my head of being the 'cool mom' and all his friends want to hang out at our house (so I can keep tabs on Nate of course), and if they read this blog and see how lame-o I am, I'll never have a chance!

So, here goes. A blog. Maybe next time I post I'll actually have an idea of what in the world I want to say. So until then....


Lauren said...

I love it! Finally you are a blogster! :) I will be hanging on your every pressure but you'd better make it good! Just kidding.....

Sara Lou said...

WHEEEEE! Not only can I stalk you all day on BBC, and by texting you the covers of magazines I find in the dentist office... NOW I can come to your BLOG and stalk you here, too!


Sara Lou said...

Oh... and RE: what to do... basically we want to know what you ate for lunch. How many times you told Nater "No, honey, don't climb on top of the kitchen table..." or what color your socks are...

amy said...

you're so pretty!

Things I May Regret Writing said...

Yay! Jenn has a blog! I'll be subscribing!

Cindy said...

Yeah a blog. I love your humor!

Kathy said...

Yea! I have been waiting for this day for a very long time! Great blog name, and I'll be tuned in. :) Love it.

Kathy and Drew...

LHJ said...


princess said...

if you have time to blog, obviously you don't have enough work to do..=)

p s i am only here for the cute baby nate pics...

ok, delete this comment and let's see what happens